The evolving landscape of small business ERP software

May 08, 2024 | News & Guides

CORE Tech image showing ERP Software graphic

For small businesses, staying ahead to gain a strategic edge is crucial. In a competitive landscape, more small businesses use Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Once only a tool for large corporations, ERP software and small business ERP have evolved. They are now essential for businesses of all sizes.

Small business ERP software is vital for growth. It is changing how small businesses operate. It can help streamline processes, build functions, and provide real-time insights.

This also provides invaluable insights. They help with daily operations and smarter decisions to propel a business forward. ERP software enables small businesses to compete on a larger scale by improving efficiency and expanding market reach.

With further technological advances, small business ERP will continue to evolve. Modern ERP systems are now easier to use and more flexible. ERP implementation is also much quicker, and ERP software is far easier to scale.

Small businesses that want to boost their business should consider small business ERP. Understanding how to get the most from modern ERP systems is essential for their success. It can also help business owners choose the right ERP provider.

What is ERP Software?

ERP software helps businesses automate their core processes to ensure the best performance. Enterprise resource planning software supports processes in many areas of a business. This includes finance, risk management and compliance, human resources, project management and supply chain.

Modern ERP software helps business owners plan, budget, predict and report on their financial performance. It brings all business processes together to allow the sharing of information. Which can help remove duplicate data and provide a single source of truth.

Small business ERP allows different departments to share information with the whole company. Tracking all aspects of the business gives them a clearer view of their operations.

Armed with these valuable insights, businesses can then make smarter decisions about how they operate. ERP software can help identify ways to streamline operations to become more efficient.

Is ERP Still Used?

ERP software has been around since the 1960s. It has undergone huge changes over the years and is still widely used by many businesses. More recently, the rise of small business ERP has seen businesses of all sizes adopt the software.

Older ERP systems typically worked independently and could not communicate with other systems. This made them hard to use, as it would take a lot of time, resources and expertise to gain useful data from them.

But ERP software and small business ERP have come a long way. Today’s modern ERP systems use machine learning and the Internet of Things to help them communicate with different systems across the company. They help businesses gain a clear view of their performance across all areas.

The modern ERP software solutions we know and use today are a million miles away from the early ERP systems. ERP software is expected to continue to evolve. As new developments and technology unfold every year, ERP systems are set to become even more powerful.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) will shape the future of ERP software. Its use of advanced data analytics will help businesses streamline their operations and reduce manual tasks, enabling them to easily achieve the most output.

Why is Small Business ERP So Popular?

There are many reasons why small business ERP is so popular and will continue to become more common. The right ERP software can help small businesses achieve much more with the limited resources and budget they have available to them.

It can help them manage and optimise everything. From their daily business operations to their accounts department and customer relationships.

Businesses across all industries use ERP software to help them meet their goals and grow. No two businesses are the same; each will have its own unique goals they want to achieve with ERP. Here are some of the benefits ERP software for small business offers:

  • Data in one place: ERP software for small businesses makes it easy to access and manage the data it collects. Business data comes from many sources, but ERP software brings them all together in one place, especially when incorporating data analytics. This improves their ability to respond to changes and be agile.
  • More productivity: ERP software helps automate daily tasks, such as accounting and reporting. This helps reduce the risk of human error and frees up staff time to focus on other activities.
  • Grows with the business: As small businesses grow, so do their needs. But with the right ERP software, the system can grow with the business to meet its needs.
  • Cost savings: While the initial cost of ERP might seem high, the savings will far exceed these costs.

How ERP Affects the Agricultural Industry

The agricultural industry faces many challenges. Including climate change, market fluctuations and increasing demand. ERP software solutions like COREmill can help businesses remain competitive and profitable.

ERP software can help agricultural businesses adapt to changes and be more efficient. It does this by making business management easier. ERP systems can help manage the supply chain, inventory, equipment maintenance and budgeting.

COREmill is the market leader in customised grain software solutions for mill and grain. We manage 50% of all Irish grain intake. COREmill helps with mill transformation by putting everything into a single mill and grain software platform. Our ERP can manage everything from:

  • Feed Sales
  • Order Processing
  • Mobile and online sales
  • Purchase Contracts
  • Grain intake and processing
  • Raw Material Procurement
  • Weighbridge Operations
  • Load Planning
  • Dispatch
  • Labelling
  • Complete Mill Accounting

In an industry where regulations and legislations are crucial, our ERP software can ensure that you are compliant.


In conclusion, modern ERP systems are here to stay. As technology advances and ERP software becomes even more intelligent, the benefits of small business ERP are clear. ERP has come a long way from its early days in the 1960s. But it has not finished evolving and will continue to do so in the coming years.

As more businesses adopt ERP software, it’s important that they do their research. With many ERP providers available, it is essential to find the right company.

At CORE Tech, we are the largest supplier of Agri Tech Software in Ireland to the agribusiness sector. We support 40% of feed compounders, 65% of Irish dairy co-operatives and manage 50% of all grain intake in Ireland. We are the number one choice across the industry.

If you are looking for the right ERP software solution for your small business, please get in touch with us. A member of our team will be happy to help.

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